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    to engage people

    Get your message across better with Sustainable Stand-Up.


    Work with your inner truth-teller, comedian, and artist. Learn how to use a nice form of humour to talk about things that matter, in human, engaging, and powerful ways.




    We offer:

    Public courses

    In-company courses

    Individual coaching



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    through improv

    Work together smarter and more joyfully with Applied Improvisation.


    Develop skills and mindsets which will help you and your colleagues to co-create solutions to the increasingly complex and dynamic issues we all face.




    We offer:

    In-company workshops

    Public workshops



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    from nature

    Become inherently sustainable with

    Thrivable World.


    Align your organisation with the principles that help nature and people to thrive.

    Create meaningful projects which inspire colleagues, customers, and the planet.




    We offer:


    In-company workshops

    Group coaching


  • Clarity & Flow (Choose your date)

    Online 3-hour session.

    In a single, online 3-hour session, you get concentrated insights on a question that is important to you. We will use the Flow Game, which is a peer-coaching tool, which supports depth, clarity and insights on an important question, fostering a collaborative and enlightening experience.


    Our theme: What is ours to do now on Earth.

    Maximum 5 people.

    The focus for these sessions is to explore how we might better engage with what is really ours to do now.

    And how we might help nurture meaningful, wise action in these interesting times.We will be working with the powerful peer coaching tool called the Flow Game.


    The process includes:

    1. Getting clarity on a question that is meaningful to you,

    2. Practicing holding space for others to unfold meaningful insights, and

    3. Benefiting from resonate learning in a safe space.


    Choose your date:

    Friday, 31 May 2024 from 9am to 12pm (three hours) Central European time.


    Friday, 7 June 2024 from 3pm to 6pm (three hours) Central European time,


    Where: Online (Zoom link will be provided.)

    Limit: 5 people



    For individuals whose company is paying, each session is 150 euros (plus 19% VAT)*

    For individuals paying for themselves, each session is 55 euros (plus 19% VAT)

    *If you qualify for 0% VAT rate, please email us and we will invoice you for that rate.)

    (These sessions are transformative. Company rates are still a great deal, and having people from companies pay a bit more allows us to include more individuals at rates more affordable to them.)



    Click here or scroll down to 'buy now' for the specific session date that you want.

  • Join a workshop/Clarity and Flow session...

    Clarity and Flow - Friday 31 May

    Clarity and Flow - Friday 31 May

    55,00 € - 150,00 €
    Online Clarity and Flow session from 9am to 12pm Germany time.
    Coming soon
    Clarity and Flow - Friday 7 June 2024

    Clarity and Flow - Friday 7 June 2024

    55,00 € - 150,00 €
    Online Clarity and Flow session from 3pm to 6pm Germany time.
    Coming soon
  • Testimonials

    Some lovely feedback we got from our clients.

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    Darshita Gillies

    Entrepreneur and Global System Integrator, on our Sustainable Stand Up

    “The concept is beautiful ... the ability to learn the art to articulate very

    tricky, boring, serious stuff in a fun way is definitely a skill to have ...

    I love the approach - it is very inviting.”

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    Caron Bradshaw

    Chief Executive at Charity Finance Group (CFG), on our Applied Improvisation

    “So many different trainers and experts that I’ve seen over the years will go:

    “Here is my programme”. And whatever you talk to them about they will be coming back to their default, this is my programme, this is how I’m doing it. But what Belina does is a much more of a listening approach that genuinely tries to understand what the problem is that you are seeking to resolve and then co-creates with you a resolution for it and not imposes just a different way of saying “This is my solution.” ..”

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    Julian Giacomelli

    President of RISE Kombucha Inc., on our Thrivable World

    “We worked with Belina on several internal thrivability-focussed meetings and workshops, as well as on an eco-system event. In the workshops, we helped give voice to everyone in the company on how we might better align ourselves more fully with nature, and with a way of working, that feels alive, meaningful and inspiring. In our ecosystem event, we had our whole company, supporters, customers, suppliers, artists, and musicians come together to celebrate and embody how our company works and dream with us what comes next. The insights gained from these meetings, workshops, and the event were invaluable."

  • Who is Belina Raffy?

    The empress and director of Maffick Ltd, Applied Improvisation and Thrivability

    thought-leader, Thrivable World Quest co-founder and global captain.


    She used to work for a big bank in London and New York and saw a bunch

    of people burning out. She thought 'there's got to be a better way

    than this.' and did an MBA at Cranfield School of Management to

    relax and regroup.


    She started studying and applying improvisation skills to work.

    Skills which help us to navigate uncertainty, co-create deeply.


    Her work is increasingly exploring how we might totally transform

    our organisations so that we (and the organisations we are in)

    serve life beautifully. Belina believes improvisation is vital for

    what the world is facing now - and it is her passion to spread

    these mindsets, practices and skills as much as possible, as

    well as to support others who do this with breathtaking ability.


    And oh, she is writing this book called

    Using Improv to Save the World (and me) ...


    Photo by Mikael Colville-Andersen

  • The Blog

    Thoughts, musings, and ruminations.

    15. September 2020 · SDG2030,Humour
    When I spoke with Izzy from the environmental charity Earthwatch Europe about her experience of supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6 on clean water and sanitation, an image came to mind: the tower of Babel. In an attempt to come together and build a bridge to heaven, we seem...
  • Using improv to save the world (and me)
    The book

    Want to know if a book launch is happening near you? Then give us your details below. Want to buy the ebook version of the book? Then click 'Buy the book'.

  • Let's keep in touch. Connect with us here ...

    We will send you information tailored to your interests.

  • Let's start a conversation

    We are based in Berlin and we love to travel around the world.

    Connect with us here...

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